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ISPE LA MentorMatch and Career Development Event | August 13, 2024

This event will connect Mentees to Mentors. Seasoned Professionals: please consider being a mentor to help shape the career path for the next generation of pharmaceutical industry leaders.

ISPE San Diego 30th Annual Vendor Night | August 21, 2024

Don’t remember password? Create new USER ID using only letters. There is no fee difference for ISPE Members and non members. This Year's Theme is Nous Sommes Les Champions, We Are The Champions in French. Let’s keep the excitement and energy of ...

ISPE LA 2024 Annual Sponsorship | December 31, 2024

Please do not send a check. To avoid excessive credit card fees, please consider paying by wire transfer or direct deposit. See the flyer or your invoice for instructions. If necessary, we can accept credit card payments using this website.